Mody Diaw

Mody Diaw

Sociology PhD student working at INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux since October 2019

He joined the Environment, Territories in Transition, Infrastructures, Societes research unit (ETTIS) and, under the supervision of Valérie Deldrève, he is writing his dissertation about environmental justice issues on the bauxite trajectory (from Guinea Conakry to Gardanne in south-east France).

He obtained two master’s degree in sociology and for his masters’ dissertations, he studied conflicts of use in the Reunion Island National Park (2017) and environmental justice mobilizations and issues surrounding the phosphate mining operation in Senegal (2018).

He also co-coordinates the Francophone Environmental Justice Network (EJJE) - and the Young Researchers' Network on Work and Health (RJCTS) -

Modification date: 29 October 2023 | Publication date: 29 October 2023 | By: INRAE | S. Sabatié