Nathalie Lewis

Nathalie Lewis

Doctor of environmental sociology and a researcher in regional and territorial development Professor at the University of Quebec in Rimouski (UQAR)

She is currently conducting research on the social and political aspects related to natural resources and to the communities that depend on these resources. She is also pursuing her work on the “government” of resources through several ongoing projects, such as: Seals as an indicator of movements in the era of climate change (SSHRC, 2020-2023), Establishing collaborative institutions in order to rehabilitate large ecosystems (Multidisciplinary center of expertise for the sustainable management of the Lac Saint-Pierre shoreline, ongoing), Collective expertise on the eutrophication and the quality of coastal waters: toward the appropriation of knowledge and Maritime tributaries and coastal entrophication: from research to knowledge appropriation (RQM and FQRSC, 2019-2021). The importance of the Francophonie in science is central to her commitments. As such, she is among the executive board of the International association of French–speaking sociologists and she is a member of the editorial committee of VertigO, the electronic journal in environmental sciences.

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Modification date: 29 October 2023 | Publication date: 29 October 2023 | By: INRAE | S. Sabatié