Valérie Deldrève

Valérie Deldrève

Sociology research director at INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Bordeaux

Her research focuses on public policies for biodiversity conservation and on environmental collective actions. Together with J. Candau, she coordinated the Effijie project (Anr Socenv, 2014-19) which dealt with the allocation of the environmental effort required by water (territorialized agri-environmental measures, Grenelle catchments) and biodiversity (National parks) policies in metropolitan France and Reunion Island. Along with M. Diaw, V. Banos et S. Leberre, she is currently leading the JustBaux project (Nouvelle Aquitaine region-OHM BMP) which addresses environmental justice issues on the bauxite trajectory. She worked toward obtaining the accreditation to supervise research (2015) in order to build an analytical framework of environmental inequalities, based on the controversies that have arisen within the scientific movement of Environmental Justice, as well as on the sociological approaches of inequalities.

For more about her work and publications : click here

Modification date: 29 October 2023 | Publication date: 29 October 2023 | By: INRAE | S. Sabatié