EJJE network:

Envrionmental Justice | Justice Environnementale


What is Environmental Justice ? Environmental Justice is both a social and a scientific movement that emerged in the United States in the 70s and 80s (Bullard, 1990; Taylor, 2000 and 2014). This movement demonstrated that environmental and health damages tend to be associated with different forms of recognition and socioeconomic inequalities.



29 October 2023

Virtual, https://youtu.be/_a2t7tmFdnM

Can you be a citizen in a mining town: the case of Malartic, Abitibi

On 12 January 2023, we had the pleasure of hearing Geneviève Brisson (jurist-anthropologist, Department of Societies, Territories and Development, Université du Québec à Rimouski) give a talk entitled "Can you be a citizen in a mining town: the case of Malartic, Abitibi".

29 October 2023

Virtual, https://youtu.be/lyZT7BYiqNI

Between declinism and indigenism. Réunion National Park and the challenge of environmental inequalities

On 10 November 2022, we welcomed Bruno Bouet (sociologist, ETTIS-INRAE and member of the EJJE network organising committee) for a presentation and discussion of his book published by L'Harmattan: "Entre déclinisme et autochtonie. Le Parc national de la Réunion au défi des inégalités environnementales".

29 October 2023

Virtual, https://youtu.be/-GF2GL_flbA

Social, environmental and climate justice: what conceptions of justice within the Citizens' Climate Convention?

On 06 October 2022, we had the pleasure of hearing Laurence Granchamp (sociologist, University of Strasbourg) and Nathalie Blanc (geographer, CNRS-Université Paris Cité) speak on "Social, environmental and climate justice: what conceptions of justice within the Citizens' Climate Convention? The discussion was moderated by Renda Belmallen, a member of the EJJE network's organising committee.

29 October 2023


EJJE network conference on the transformative capacity of collective action in environmental justice

On 2 and 3 June 2022, the EJJE network held a face-to-face conference in Bordeaux on the transformative capacity of collective action in environmental justice, with David Schlosberg (University of Sydney) and Dimitris Stevis (Colorado State University).

29 October 2023


Intersectional inequalities in exposure to pollution and living environments

On 12 May 2022, we had the pleasure of welcoming Lucie Laurian (IOWA - School of Planning and Public Affairs): Inégalités intersectionnelles d'exposition aux pollutions et lieux de vie (working title).

29 October 2023

Virtual, https://youtu.be/5xxww7QQL1M

What justice in the study of the commons? Literature review and perspectives

On Thursday 31 March 2022 we welcomed Floriane Clément (INRAE-Toulouse). Her presentation, entitled "What justice in the study of the commons? Literature review and perspectives" was discussed by Bruno Bouet.