
What is Environmental Justice ? Environmental Justice is both a social and a scientific movement that emerged in the United States in the 70s and 80s (Bullard, 1990; Taylor, 2000 and 2014). This movement demonstrated that environmental and health damages tend to be associated with different forms of recognition and socioeconomic inequalities.

This assessment was then extended to the southern countries, particularly in light of the conflicts stemming from the industrial exploitation of natural resources (Martinez-Alier, 2010). Meanwhile, in the West, it was coupled with a criticism of public policies: while the poorest have a lesser impact on their environment, they contribute the most to the effort required and still benefit the least from their effect (Pye et al., 2008). Many controversies have been surrounding the development and expansion of the environmental justice movement around the world, both with regard to its meaning and its methods. Beyond this diversification, the bedrock of this movement appears to be the reframing of environmental and global change problems into justice issues for humans and nature as well as the recognition that the most affected are the most involved in the publicization and the resolution of these issues.

Why a website?

Created in 2017, this website was initially intended to provide information related to the planification of seminars produced by the EJJE network. Then, this first objective has evolved according to the interactions with researchers and other civil society actors, more and more numerous to join this network or to request various informations. From then on, it seemed relevant to make it a resource center in which would appear the results of research carried out in our respective fields, a lexicon including a certain number of notions and concepts to which we refer to in our work, as well as a non-exhaustive bibliography related to the field of Environmental Justice